To Be an Intersex Child in a Village

Do you know what it is like to be an intersex person in Anatolia, in a
village in Turkey? I know that pain, I know what it is like to be the kid
who got called names or heard a mother’s sigh when she was asked about it…
Listen to it from someone like me who once could not speak Turkish at all.

I guess I was 5 or 6 years old, I remember some women from our village and
my mother forcing me to lie down and touching me between my legs while I
was crying and screaming, making comments like they were doctors. They were
consoling my mother by saying: “Look, it is right there. It will open with
the grace of God’’ and my mother would agree with them with gratitude and
say, “Amen, please God.’’

For the first time I sensed that a part of me was bad. A connection between
my mind and that area had started. I stayed away from the adults and was
scared of them for days. It was the spring of 1978.

Because I was physically stronger, I used to win all the games. My friends
who could not stand this used to call me names. Kurdish nicknames one after
another, nicknames that implied that I was both a boy and a girl, and words
that described my genitals. I felt like I was going crazy. I used to leave
that cacophony, run home and tell my mother about it. My mother used to
curse them and console me by saying “You are better than them’’ and she
usually fought them.

When I was old enough to go to school, I learned what it means to be
excluded. I learned to keep people at a distance and that was when I
started to have conversations with myself. The new school year was about to
begin, all of my peers’ school supplies were ready and they were showing
them to me. I ran home from the square. My father, mother and brother were
at home. I was panting heavily and I asked them when they were going to buy
my school supplies. There was a silence for a while and then I barely heard
my mother saying “Let’s let her go.†My father angrily told my mother,
without even looking at me, “Stop growling. Children from three different
villages will go to the same school, the child will come home with a new
problem every single day, other children will not give them a rest. They
will be harassed; should we be disgraced even more?†I remember my mother
saying in response, “They should take a look at themselves. There is
nothing wrong with my child.†My brother supported my father and defended
the idea that I should not be sent to school. He looked at me with disgust
and grumbled, “Get out! School is not allowed!†He pushed me, then slapped
me so hard that I fell down. He had a say in it, after all his wedding was
only a week later. He also warned me strictly, “While the teachers are
passing through the village do not let them see you, hide. Or else I will
trash you.†I had to say, â€OK brother.†It was not only that. There were
trucks that carried workers to the factory. I used to hide when I saw them
as well because the truckers also used to call me with my famous nicknames.
Every morning and every evening, those were the times that I used to die.

I did not give up, because I was smarter and stronger than all of them. My
mother used to give me my food and I used to go to the pasture to graze our
animals. There, I organized my peers. Everyday one of them was going to
teach me whatever they learned at school. Behiye, Şevket, Satı, Fatma…
First, all the letters, then the numbers and then I learned how to read.
But this did not last long; all of them complained to their families about
me. The parents turned up at our door and my mother struggled with the
problem again.

I was the disgrace, the black sheep of the family in every way. But when
the topic was money, they were not ashamed at all, especially my brother.
He took me to the brick factory with him when I was 10. There, the warnings
continued, “Do not talk to anyone. If someone says something tell us and do
not beat anyone up.†Because I was tall and strong, they used to give me
all kinds of tasks and I completed them all with success. People were not
picking on me that much when I was working. I earned everyone’s respect
because I was practical. We bought a TV and so I learned to speak Turkish
very well. The personnel bus used to stop at the city center for three or
four minutes and I used to get off to buy newspapers such as Güneş,
Cumhuriyet, Bulvar, whichever I could find. Some people on the bus would
laugh at that and some would admire me. All of them knew that I had not
gone to school, but the ones who went could not read as well as I did. When
my dear brother’s control became less effective, he made more aggressive
decisions. He forbade me to buy newspapers. It was no big deal, I bought
books. I kept reading everything I found.

This is what I experienced in the village until the age of 12. I hope I
will also share the other phases of my life.

Source: intersexualshalala. com

Translation: LGBTI News Turkey

http://www.kaosgl. com/page. php?id=14976


Pro-trans music video from Matt Nathanson is a hit

New video from pro-LGBT singer features a transgender love interest
06 October 2013 | By Ashlee Kelly
New trans-positive music video by Matt Nathanson is a hit.

A new music video by American singer Matt Nathanson which shows a transgender person in a positive light has proved to be a big hit.

The video for his latest track, ‘Kinks Shirt’, features Nathanson starting a romance with a beautiful young woman, who he sees wearing a top with the logo of famous 60’s rock band ‘The Kinks‘.

After chatting with her in the street, Nathanson ends up in a bar where he watches his new love interest dance.

In the middle of her act, she takes off her top – revealing a male torso.

Nathanson is unfazed by this, and continues to applaud her as she finishes her routine, before kissing her at the end of the video.

The revelation that the woman is trans may be a reference to the famous Kinks song ‘Lola’ – about a man falling for a transvestite.

The video has become a hit with Nathanson’s fans – particularly the trans members of his fan base.

Nathanson shared a message he received on Facebook from a fan on Instagram, which he said: ‘This kinda made my year’.

It read: ‘Matt Nathanson, you are a beautiful light in this world, what this video means to me, as a genderqueer chick who calls the trans* community home, cannot be expressed in words.

‘You are an amazing ally, and I so love you for it.’

Nathanson has a history of showing support to the LGBT community.

Last year he released ‘Modern Love‘, a ‘celebration of San Francisco‘, which features gay and lesbian couples.

Watch the music video for ‘Kinks Shirt’ here:

– See more at:

Job fair focuses on needs of LGBTQ community

SALT LAKE CITY – The inaugural Paint Your Future Job Fair was held this
weekend, and the job fair was meant for those in the lesbian, gay, bisexual
, transgender and queer community.

Event organizers said they were happy with the number of employers who came
to the event, but they said they had hoped to see more potential employees

The job fair was free to the public, and it offered workshops for
interviewing skills, resume writing and dressing for success.

Candice Metzler is the board president with Transgender Education Advocates
of Utah, and she said the event was designed for those who may need a
little more help finding employment.

“We decided to put this event on to try and help bridge the gap for folks
who are struggling with finding places where they can find employment from
employers who might be more fair-minded and are looking for a skill set
from people and looking for what they bring to the organization rather than
maybe their identity or who they love,” Metzler said.

Metzler said TEA of Utah plans to put on the event again next year.

Copyright © 2013, KSTU

http://fox13now. com/2013/ 10/05/job- fair-focuses- on-needs- of-lgbtq- community/


Student banned from Christian college after officials discover she is trans

Domaine Javier was the focus of a 2011 documentary and will be taking the college to court
05 October 2013 | By Ashlee Kelly
Domaine Javier was banned from college after officials discovered she was trans.

Domaine Javier

A student in California was banned from a Christian college after administrators revoked her application because she is transgender.

Domaine Javier was hoping to study nursing at the California Baptist University in Riverside, where she was initially accepted onto the course with honours.

However, when college officials discovered her transgender history, her application was revoked, citing ‘committing or attempting to engage in fraud, or concealing identity’ because she had marked her gender as ‘female’.

College officials have also banned her from campus grounds for this reason.

Javier’s trans identity was discovered after a CBU official found she had appeared on MTV’sTrue Life‘ in 2011, where she had discussed her transition.

After discovering this, the college dean called Javier into a private meeting, in which she wasn’t allowed to take notes nor have anyone accompanying her. The dean then informed her that as she marked ‘female’ on her application, she had committed fraud as he believed she was ‘concealing her identity’.

The law firm Davis Wright Tremaine have since offered to file a lawsuit against CBU on behalf of Javier, describing the case as ‘enormously significant’.

Paul Southwick from DWT, who decided to take on the case, claims ‘the university breached its contract with Javier, and also violated California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, which prohibits businesses from discriminating based on gender identity.’

Southwick says: ‘This case stands for the proposition that a religious institution that makes services available to the public and receives public funds can’t discriminate based on religious views.

‘When CBU chose to suspend, exclude, and expel Ms. Javier because of her gender identity, it violated the Unruh Civil Rights Act and must pay her damages for the injuries it caused her.’

CBU have tried to dismiss the case, claiming ‘religious freedom’ to discriminate against LGBT students.

Mara Keisling, of the National Center for Transgender Equality, has spoke about Javier’s treatment by CBU, saying: ‘California Baptist University should be ashamed of itself.’

‘First of all, she didn’t commit fraud. Second, that wasn’t their motivation. Their motivation was that they found out they had a transgender student, so they came up with an insulting, hare-brained excuse to expel her.’

Javier was born in the Philippines, where she lived until she was 12 when she moved to California.

She was the focus of a True Life documentary in 2011, where she discussed the difficulties she has faced from being transgender.

– See more at:




transgender: someone who does not identify with their birth-assigned gender*

transsexual: someone who has, or is in the process of changing their
outward gender to match their spiritual and emotional gender *

two-spirited: an aboriginal term to describe someone who contains aspects
of both the male and female spirits*

genderqueer/ non-binary: someone who does not identify as being either male
or female

cisgender: someone whose gender identity aligns with their birth-assigned

gender identity: the internal sense of being spiritually a man or woman

gender expression: the external manifestation of someone’s gender identity

LGBTQ: an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/ two-spirited, and
queer/questioning; ideally, it encompasses everyone on the gender and
sexuality spectrum, including but not limited to asexual, genderqueer and
non-binary people.

‘Un-Russian faggots’: Author of anti-gay law attacks QueerFest guests

Vitaly Milonov, author of Russia’s law banning ‘homosexual propaganda,’ arrived with an entourage at yesterday’s QueerFest launch verbally and physically abusing attendees
20 September 2013 | By Jean Paul Zapata
Author of Russia's anti-gay law Vitaly Milonov arrived to an LGBT festival attacking and insluting guests.

The author of Russia’s gay gag law arrived at an LGBT festival yesterday to harass guests and allies.

The homophobic United Russia city parliament deputy Vitaly Milonov reportedly arrived with an entourage of five to six people calling guests ‘animals, ‘un-Russian’ and ‘faggots’, according to QueerFest organizers,

The Russian lawmaker, who co-sponsored the ‘non-traditional relationships’ law, previously said a gay activist must die for his ‘extremism’.

According to organizers, Milonov and his group also shoved around two guests, slapping them in the face.

After Milonov and his group started attacking guests, police reportedly arrived shortly after, harassing venue owners to show ownership papers.

In its fifth year, QueerFest gives Russian LGBTs the opportunity to take a visible stand against homophobia.

QueerFest organizers told Gay Star News yesterday there’s always a concern attacks will occur, or the venue will withdraw last minute, but they are still committed to hosting the event.

Speaking to Gay Star News yesterday, Polina, an activist with QueerFest, said QueerFest is a way to show solidarity with the Russian LGBT community.

Polina told GSN yesterday the LGBT community expects these threats and will continue to hold their ground: ‘Some hold to the opinion that the only path for Russian LGBT people today is out of the country.

‘While that may be so for the specifically targeted groups and individuals, such as same-sex families and LGBT rights defenders under risk, there are LGBT people who intend to live in this country and try and improve their lives and the lives of their loved ones.’

In its fifth year, QueerFest is Russia’s ‘queer pride and culture festival’ comprising seminars, discussions, photo exhibits and concerts to make a statement against homophobia.

On its first day QueerFest drew over 150 people to The Non-Existent Floor Gallery (Nesuschestvuyuschij Etazh) to St Petersburg. The festival is scheduled to take place until 28 September.

According to the QueerFest organizers, the attendees included representatives from:

  • Human Rights Council of St. Petersburg
  • Anti-dicsrimination Center “Memorial”
  • Russian LGBT Network
  • Side by Side LGBT film festival
  • Alliance of Heterosexuals for LGBT Rights
  • representatives of Swedish, Danish, Finnish cultural institutes
  • and several diplomatic missions of European countries and the US

– See more at:


Masha Bast, Top Russian Lawyer, Comes Out As Transgender In Protest Of Anti-Gay Laws

The Huffington Post | By James Nichols
Posted: 09/13/2013 12:27 pm EDT

Masha Bast, Chairwoman for the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human
Rights, has come out as transgender in protest of Russia’s anti-gay
legislation and recent crackdown on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) individuals. In the past, Bast has overseen some of the most
high-profile, politically- charged legal battles in the country.

In a press release dated last week, Bast announced <
http://www.themosco news/article/ qa-transgender- lawyer-comes- out-in-protest/ 486021.html>
that she would no longer be living her life as Yevgeny Arkhipov, but as
Masha Bast. The activist also extended an invitation to readers to follow
her journey via Facebook facebook. com/masha. abramova. 547> , as
she undergoes hormone treatment and surgeries in order to make her
physicality correspond with her gender identity.

In a recent question and answer interview with The Moscow Times <
http://www.themosco news/article/ qa-transgender- lawyer-comes- out-in-protest/ 486021.html>
, Bast adressed questions surrounding her advocacy, gender identiity, and
attempted to clarifiy what it means to be transgender within the hostile
anti-LGBT Russian climate.

When asked about her decision to come out publicly now, she responded:

«There were three reasons for my decision. First, it would have been very
difficult for me personally not to come out. Second, having represented
people in the Manezh Square, Primorsky partisans, and Bolotnaya cases, when
those finished up I finally had the opportunity to come out. Third, my
coming out was a protest against what is going on in Russia today. I
couldn’t just sit there and do nothing.»

She went on to explain her gender identity in further detail, noting in

«There are people who actively choose their gender, and there are people
who don’t think about it, or they try and avoid questioning it because of
their religious beliefs or other reasons. Those who choose to decide their
own gender because their internal gender doesn’t match their external
appearance are called transgender, especially when they take visible steps
to make their external gender match their internal gender. I don’t think of
myself as transgender though — I just think of myself as a woman. I do,
however, consider myself part of the LGBT community because we are all in
the minority.»

Calling the gay propaganda law “completely wrong,” she went on to note, “I
remember being 10 and wanting to be a girl and putting on girl’s clothes. I
didn’t understand what was happening to me … I went to dances dressed as
a girl back when I looked more feminine.”

You can read the whole interview at The Moscow Times <
http://www.themosco news/article/ qa-transgender- lawyer-comes- out-in-protest/ 486021.html>
, and be sure to follow Bast’s journey via Facebook <
https://www. facebook. com/masha. abramova. 547> and YouTube < com/channel/ UCdb4nv2lDOUDaXO m7DUy5bQ? feature=watch> .

Russia’s anti-gay “propaganda&qu ot; <
http://www.policymi 61689/everything -you-need- to-know-about- russia-s- anti-gay- propaganda– laws>
law has enabled and galvanized a culture of fear and violence for LGBT
citizens, resulting in public acts of violence <
http://www.huffingt 2013/08/20/ russian-transgen der-woman- beaten_n_ 3779723.html>
and radical anti-gay discourse <
http://www.huffingt 2013/08/12/ dmitri-kusilev- degrades- lgbt-tv_n_ 3743414.html>
from the mouths of Russian officials.

Most recently, Russian politicians are attempting to push a bill that would
take children away <
http://www.huffingt 2013/09/05/ russian-lawmaker -proposes_ 0_n_3873095. html>
from their LGBT parents, resulting in a prominent activist threatening to
out closeted Russian politicians <
http://www.huffingt 2013/09/09/ elena-kostyuchen ko-out-russian- politicians_ n_3895491. html>
that vote for the bill to pass. Well-known Russian news anchor Anton
Krasovsky was also fired in mid-August <
http://www.huffingt 2013/08/14/ anton-krasovsky- russian-journali st_n_3758279. html>
after coming out while on the air.

Copyright © 2013 TheHuffingtonPost. com, Inc.

http://www.huffingt 2013/09/13/ masha-bast- transgender- russia-lawyer_ n_3920998. html


Himalayas offer asylum for persecuted LGBTs

Nepal’s pioneering gay rights group opens Pink Himalayan Center in
Kathmandu to shelter victims and people with HIV/AIDS

14 September 2013 | By Sudeshna Sarkar

‘This center is open to everyone, to all persecuted LGBTs,’ says a proud
Sunil Pant, announcing the formal inauguration of the Pink Himalayan Center
in Nepalese capital Kathmandu, the first sanctuary in South Asia for
persecuted members of the community.

Originally a hospice for LGBTs in an advanced state of AIDS, the shelter
has been upgraded into a five-story building boasting a mini theater that
can double up as a conference hall, a library for documenting LGBT-related
literature and legal information, and a sanctuary for members of the
community who are thrown out by their families or society, be it in Nepal
or abroad.

‘People in Uganda and Cameroon are also welcome to our center if they can
come here,’ says Pant. ‘Nepal is one of the most tourist-friendly countries
in the world, offering visa on arrival to many nationalities.

‘However, given the issue of accessibility, we think it will serve South
Asia most.’

Gay rights activists from the neighborhood – India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
– have already visited the center and are seeking to network to benefit
from the strategies that turned Nepal, once a conservative patriarchal
society, into a progressive country that became the first in South Asia to
approve of same-sex marriage.

The Blue Diamond Society (BDS), Nepal’s
pioneering gay rights organization founded by Pant, runs the center that
was partly funded by Nepal’s government, another first in South Asia.

The rest of the money or the project came from the Norwegian government,
Danish and US embassies and contributions from community members in Nepal
and abroad.

Pant says the need for the center was felt after a critical period when
landlords were refusing to let out houses to gays and a shelter for
terminally ill gays had to be shut down abruptly after the house owner
ordered BDS to quit his premises.

The new center has plans for a cafeteria to be run by LGBT members as a
livelihood project, an art gallery and a training center for teachers.

Since this year, state-run schools in Nepal, Pant says, have introduced a
subject, health, population and environment science, that teaches about
LGBT issues. BDS is also conducting training for teachers on how to create
a friendly environment for gay and transgender students and the need for
separate toilets for transgenders.

In addition, the center will monitor the progress of the marriage bill that
allows same-sex weddings after the Supreme Court in 2008 approved of the
act and directed the government to formulate the necessary laws.

‘To become an act, the bill has to be passed by parliament,’ Pant says.
‘Unfortunately, currently there’s no parliament in Nepal.’

The house was dissolved after it failed to write and promulgate a new
constitution and fresh elections are scheduled in November.

Pant is optimistic the newly elected parliament will uphold the bill since
it was drafted with the approval of all the major parties.

Nepal’s leadership on LGBT issues comes as a surprise when India, its
larger neighbor in South Asia, is the acknowledged leader where other
subjects are concerned.

‘In Nepal, the rights movement blossomed due to a very supportive private
media and our own approach,’ Pant says. ‘In Nepal we did not beg for
anything. We claimed our rights as something due to us. It’s a matter of
attitudinal difference.’

Religion has been another factor.

Nepal, though once a Hindu kingdom, practices tolerant Hinduism while in
India, fundamentalists have a strong presence.

But perhaps the key factor is size. Nepal being a tiny country has been
able to rally public opinion more effectively while in India, due to its
huge size, things tend to move more slowly.

Copyright © 2011-2012 Gay Star News. All Rights Reserved.

http://www.gaystarn himalayas- offer-asylum- persecuted- lgbts140913


LGBT rights: Christians twisting logic

Jillian Page, Canada
September 5, 2013 by jillianpage

I find it amusing — actually, pathetic — that some writers in the United
States are crying “discrimination against Christians!” over recent
court/labour rulings in that country that found some businesspeople
discriminated against clients on the basis of sexual orientation. In other
words, the guilty parties — citing their religious beliefs — refused to
serve gay clients. Christian writers are saying, essentially, that not
allowing these businesses to discriminate against customers is, in fact,
discrimination against the businesspeople. Sigh . . . Talk about perverse,
twisted logic.

The law in those jurisdictions is clear: Business cannot discriminate
against people. Period. Sexual orientation, race, religion, gender identity
etc. are all irrelevant. Everyone must be served equally. If a
businessperson cannot abide by the rules, then they should find another
line of work that won’t conflict with their religious beliefs.

Christians are not being discriminated against or persecuted in these
cases. They broke the law or labour rules that all businesses must follow.

Meanwhile, Christians need to face reality: Not everyone thinks the Bible
is the word of God, so Christians should stop spouting Bible quotes and
wagging their fingers at everyone who doesn’t share their beliefs — which a
lot of people think is just superstitious nonsense written by ignorant
people thousands of years ago.


http://jillianpage. com/2013/ 09/05/lgbt- rights-christian s-twisting- logic/


Transgender boy returns to school in Edmonton, proudly sharing his story

Wren, born Wrenna, says he doesn’t remember a time when he didn’t feel like a boy. Now, at age 11, he’s going back to school in Edmonton as a transgender boy, proudly announcing who he used to be.

Wren Kauffman, 11, always felt like a boy, even though he was born a girl. After years of frustration and sadness, he and his parents decided he should live life the way he wanted — and not keep the change a secret.

EDMONTON—When 11-year-old Wren Kauffman goes back to school this week, he won’t be hiding the fact that he’s actually a girl.

Teachers, friends and other students at his Edmonton school know the truth — that he’s a girl on the outside but feels like a boy on the inside. And that’s why, even at such a young age, he has chosen to live in the world as the opposite sex, and not keep it a secret.

“If you’re not yourself, then it kind of gets sad and depressing,” says the freckle-faced kid with short-cropped hair.

“I’m glad that I told everybody.”

Photos View gallery

  • Family photos shows transgender student Wren Kauffman before and after his change. Wren was born a girl but at the age of 9 started identifying as a boy and now lives his life as a male in Edmonton.
  • “If you’re not yourself, then it kind of gets sad and depressing,” says the freckle-faced kid with short-cropped hair. “I’m glad that I told everybody.”
  • Transgender student Wren Kauffman, 11, goes through old photos of himself as a girl.

More students these days are not just coming out in school as gay but also as transgender or transsexual, and they’re doing it at younger ages, says Kris Wells, a researcher with the Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services at the University of Alberta.

Some studies shows six out of 1,000 students experience transgenderism.

Wells says his office gets calls and emails from parents and schools across the country at least once a day asking for advice. A few years ago, he helped a child swap sex roles while in Grade 2 at a Catholic school in rural Alberta.

Some students and their families choose a more secretive approach, switching schools or even moving to other provinces, so they can start fresh, he says. Others transition over the summer and return to school in the fall identifying with their new sex.

Brave students, like Wren, proudly announce who they used to be — and who they are now.

Wren, born Wrenna, says he doesn’t remember a time when he didn’t feel like a boy.

Growing up, he hated wearing dresses. He liked Spiderman and dressed up as comic book hero The Thing one Halloween. When he was five, he had his mom take him to a hairdresser to cut off his long, brown locks. He wanted to look like Zac Efron from the movie High School Musical.

Wendy Kauffman says she and her husband, Greg, knew their daughter was different. She would often ask: “When do I get to be a boy?” And she pleaded to be born again in order to come out right.

They thought it was a phase. Then they thought their child might be gay.

But as Wren got bigger, so did the sadness and frustration.

Kauffman says it finally hit home when Wren was about nine and Kauffman was tucking her 6-year-old child, Avy, into bed one night. “She said to me, ‘You know, Mom, Wren is a boy and he told me to tell you.’”

Kauffman says she got a bit defensive. “I said, ‘Well, I know Wren wants to be a boy.’

“Avy said, ‘No, Mom, he REALLY wants to be a boy.’”

Kauffman, tears welling up in her eyes, says it was a pivotal moment. Her youngest child had seen it all so clearly and, now, she did too.

Kauffman later told Wren: “I love you whether you’re a boy or a girl and I understand now. And we’ll figure out how we can help you. And we’ll do it together.”

Wren and his family say they have gone public and been in the media this year so that others going through the same situation know they’re not alone. Kauffman hopes other parents realize how important it is to really listen to their children. Wren wants other kids to know it’s OK to be who they are.

Kauffman says she and her husband initially consulted with Wells about Wren’s transition and he first started living life at home as a boy. After about a year, they were ready to tell his school.

Wren was in Grade 5 at Belgravia School, where students occasionally gathered in sharing circles to talk about life events such as the separation of parents or a family death. He took his turn to tell his classmates that he was now living his life as a boy.

Some kids had questions, but they were all supportive, Kauffman says.

The following year, Wren transferred to Victoria School of the Arts. At first, he was private about his actual sex, but after a few months he told friends and shared his story with his class.

There are a couple of older transgender students at the school, but Wren is by far the youngest.

He says it hasn’t been a big deal. He uses the boys’ washroom “which, by the way, is much grosser than the girls’ bathroom.” He also changes in a stall in the boys’ gym locker room.

Wren has started monthly drug injections to pause female puberty. When he’s about 16, he’ll decide whether he wants to start injecting male hormones. At 18, he’ll be legally old enough to have sex reassignment surgery.

Wren says he’s not sure yet if he wants to take that final step. He’s just excited to start Grade 7.

His school is part of the Edmonton Public School Board which, in 2011, became the first in the province to develop a policy to protect gay, lesbian and transgender students and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Wren says he hasn’t been subjected to any harassment. Just some teasing when he first came out — one student winked and called him “Mr. Kauffman.” A couple of others asked for proof that he was actually a girl, but Wren laughed it off and told them he wasn’t prepared to pull down his pants.

Wren says he knows it won’t always be this easy and he’s prepared for the possibility that he may be bullied later in life.

“People tease me right now and I can handle it. The way that I like to look at it is that they’re just practice for the real jerks in life.

“And, besides, if they say something to me, then they don’t have to be part of my life . . . I don’t think I need people who don’t like me.”